Strength from the Mountain

Every once in a while I find a verse that pops out and says WOW to me. The other day a verse did just that. I hope it speaks to you, too.

Psalm 125:2 “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever.”

mountain-pasture_00450519Two points I want to make about this.

1. Mountains Offer Protection.

In ancient times, cities surrounded by mountains were less vulnerable to enemy attacks. Obviously the bad guys had to traverse the difficulties of mountains to get to the city; fight and struggle to get over the peaks and rocky terrain. God is like a mountain. The enemy has to battle Him to get to the Christian.

2. Castle_mountain_2003Christians Should Gain Spiritual Strength in the Knowledge that God Is There

One of my favorite vacation spots is the White Mountains of New Hampshire. There’s nothing like going to the top of one of the ranges and looking out over the beauty, majesty, and awesomeness. It’s inspiring.

Here’s a sure fact. In life difficulties will arise. Trials will come. Sometimes we can feel small in the midst of them. That’s when we need to look to our Mountain – Our God. He’s bigger than us and bigger than any of our troubles. We need to know He is before us, beside us, and ALL AROUND US! Don’t take your eyes off the mountain that is God.

Remember! Psalm 125:2 “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever.

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